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What is Learning Well?
Learning Well is a monthly internet radio program that is sponsored by the Integrative Health Education Center at Normandale Community College. Learning Well features interviews with leaders, change-agents and transformers in the field of integrative and holistic health and wellness. The program also provides practical information and tools that listeners can use in their daily life and work. It is our hope that these programs will also inspire listeners to take action in their own lives and provide information or ideas that listeners can share with friends, loved ones or clients and patients.
When Does it Air?
Learning Well airs each month and is available to an international radio audience via the internet. Programs are also archived and can be accessed at any time.
Host Elise Marquam Jahns engages local and national thought leaders on topics including integrative health, meditation and mindfulness, and spiritual development. Elise is co-author of "Creating Choices" and spent 35 years with Twin Cites Public Television.
Learning well show Listing:
Dr. Marthy Wuttke
"Change your brain—change your life!” Dr. Wuttke shares his truth stories and the science of how our nervous systems work and how we can get re-trained to discover ourselves, growth, and untapped potential within each of us.
Dr. Virgie Bright-Ellington
Dr. Virgie, author of What Your Doctor Wants You to Know, discusses complex medical procedures, how to communicate effectively with healthcare providers, and how to avoid financial devastation from crushing medical bills.
Dr. William Li
November 2023
Dr. William Li examines "food as medicine" through molecular nutrition, which applies biology and biotechnology to understand not only the components of food, but how the body responds to what it is fed. His New York Times Bestseller is Eat to Beat Your Diet.
Dr. Terry Wahls
October 2023
Join Dr. Terry Wahls as she shares how to restore her cellular health by using diet and lifestyle. She wrote The Wahls Protocol®—A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles to help guide readers to reclaiming their own health.
Dr. Jeanine Thompson
September 2023
Join Dr. Jeanine Thompson as she shares stories, experiences and spiritual signs in the body as it signals us to make a change in how we approach our life and reach our potential greatness.
Dr. Anna Yusim
August 2023
Dr. Anna Yusim, best-selling author of Fulfilled: How the Science of Spirituality Can Help You Live a Happier, More Meaningful Life, shares how spirituality is a powerful path to healing.
Dr. Dravon James
July 2023
Join Dr. Dravon James as she shares with us the philosophy that she develops – Every Day Peace. Explore your natural abilities to reach your greatness and happiness.
Dr. Richard Johnson
June 2023
Join Dr. Richard Johnson as he shares his research on the components of glucose and fructose related to obesity. His most recent book is Nature Wants Us To Be Fat: The Surprising Science Behind Why We Gain Weight—and How We Can Prevent—And Reverse It
Dr. Marisa Franco
May 2023
Dr. Marisa Franco is the New York bestselling author of Platonic, a professor, speaker, and psychologist. Join us to learn how the science of friendship impacts human well-being and how they can nurture deeper connections. Dr. Franco will discuss how to make and keep friends and build relationships at work. Creating connections is important for our health, motivation, work, and sense of who we are. Dr. Franco shares research about the science of the connection with the people that can help the most. Her book Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make—and Keep—Friends is a New York Times Bestseller.
Dr. Kristen Allott
April 2023
Did you know that if you eat veggies first, meat second, and carbs last, your body will store less fat than otherwise? Join us for an hour packed with more approachable, practical, and research-backed health insights from guest Kristen Allott, naturopath and functional medicine practitioner. Dr. Allott began her career as a clinical physician and pivoted to functional medicine 10 years into her practice to better address health and wellness issues from a proactive “cause” approach versus a reaction to symptoms. This episode will highlight simple ways that nutrition, movement, sleep, and breathing practices can create immediate health (including mental health) improvements. Note: Dr. Allott cannot take patients outside her home state of WA. Visit kristenallott.com to access complimentary resources and learn more about her work.
Dean Radin, MS, PhD
March 2023
Dean Radin, MS, PhD, is Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Science (IONS) and Associated Distinguished Professor of Integral and Transpersonal Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). Dr. Radin does not consider himself a therapist, nor a psychic or a "paranormal investigator." He identifies as a scientist who studies exceptional experiences and abilities commonly called psychic. Dr. Radin has spent the majority of his professional career scientifically probing the far reaches of inner space, consciousness, and psychic phenomena. His interest in psi phenomena was not motivated by personal experiences. Instead, it was sparked by curiosity and an intuitive sense that the mind is far more mysterious and powerful than is taught in academia. Join Dr. Radin and Elise Marquam Jahns for a MOST interesting discussion!
Carolyn Torkelson, MD
February 2023
Join host Elise Marquam-Jahns and Dr. Carolyn Torkelson, 30-year practicing physician and pioneer in integrative and holistic health for middle-aged and mature women. Some call her "the voice of normalcy for mature women" and indeed she has answered with her most recent book, Beyond Menopause: New Pathways to Holistic Health. In this podcast, Dr. Torkelson uncovers the eight dimensions of wellness, discusses functional medicine and health approaches to navigating menopause, and recounts the healing journey of several women during their menopausal years.
Shilpa Ravella, MD
January 2023
Did you know that your gut has an incredible amount of nerve cells and that belly fat is loaded with imflammatory cells? Join an intriguing, personal conversation with Dr. Shilpa Ravella, gastroenterologist and author of A Silent Fire: The Story of Inflammation, Diet, and Disease. Dr Ravella's investigation of inflammation as a very well hidden force at the heart of modern disease has led her to research and educate others about how we can prevent, treat, or even reverse it with approaches like eating as much fiber as possible so that it can ferment and create anti-inflammatory activity so decrease your risk of cancer and other illnesses.
Christopher Kerr, MD
December 2022
Palliative and hospice care have gained attention and recognition in the last few decades as a critical healthcare specialty – addressing the whole person as one approaches the end of life. Dr. Kerr realized early in his medical career that contemporary medicine had lost the art of "care" and felt somewhat dehumanized. Dr. Kerr has dedicated his career to researching end-of-life experiences, providing hospice and palliative care, and leading medical facilities to study, learn and improve how medicine approaches death and dying. Dr. Kerr has studied over 1,400 patients and their end-of-life experiences (EOL), including dreams and/or visions that provide peace, calm, and positive emotions for those dying and their loved ones. Dr. Kerr is the CEO and CMO at Hospice and Palliative Care – Buffalo, NY, and the author of Death Is But a Dream: Finding Hope and Meaning at Life's End – an intriguing look at end-of-life experiences – dreams – that are unlike any regular dream. Described as "more real than real," these end-of-life experiences resurrect past relationships, meaningful events, and themes of love and forgiveness; they restore life's meaning and mark the transition from distress to comfort and acceptance.
Frederic Bahnson, MD
October 2022
Dr. Frederic Bahnson helps people facing meaningful decisions to move from feeling stuck into making the impactful choices that move them forward toward their dreams and goals. Whether you're feeling stuck on a career consideration, a relationship challenge (at work or at home), or struggling to balance your work with other important things in your life, he can help you harness the power of your own intentional choices. His framework, backed by science, shows you how to create purpose, find joy, and build sustainable success. Filled with best practices, extensive research, and insightful experiences, Dr. Bahnson's book Better than Destiny guides you towards what matters most to you so that the life you build is the life you really want. This episode shares practices and research to help you use better decision-making skills to get "unstuck", frame, prioritize, and execute life's decision's which may feel overwhelming or untouchable.
Dalia Kinsey, RD, LD
September 2022
Dalia Kinsey, RD, LD, helps LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) folks amplify their health and happiness using nutrition as a self-care and personal empowerment tool. Dalia is the author of Decolonizing Wellness - A QTBIPOC-centered guide to escape the diet trap, heal your self-image, and achieve body liberation. Ms. Kinsey lives at the intersection of holistic wellness and social justice, producing tools and resources to help those with marginalized identities heal their body image, achieve body liberation, and better understand the unique challenges that queer people of color experience with their health and wellness journey.
Dr. Richard Johnson, MD
August 2022
This 50 minutes will fly by as gifted storyteller and internationally acclaimed scientist and professor of medicine, Dr. Richard Johnson, presents the newest information on the surprising cause of obesity and related conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. Dr. Richard Johnson is a professor of medicine at the University of Colorado and is a clinician, educator, and researcher. He is board certified in internal medicine, infectious diseases, and kidney disease and is the founding editor of Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology, one of the main textbooks on kidney disease. For more than 20 years, he has led research on the cause of obesity and diabetes, with a special interest in the role of sugar (especially fructose) and uric acid. His research has been highly cited and published in top medical journals. Dr. Jonnson has authored The Sugar Fix and his most recent publication, The Fat Switch, which is guided by his and others’ ongoing clinical research—plus fascinating observations from the animal kingdom, evolution, and history.
Pam Grout Watch on YouTube
July 2022
In 2013, Pam Grout used a stick to write an affirmation in the sand on a beach on Tybee Island, Georgia, and let the waves take it out into the universe; “E-Squared will become an international bestseller.” That book, E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality, published by Hay House, went on to top the New York Times bestseller list, and has been translated into 40 languages. In our Learning Well conversation, Pam describes some of the exercises from the book that illustrate the profound power our intentions and affirmations can have on our lives. She also delves into some of the juiciest parts of a few of her other books, including her follow-up E-Cubed, Art and Soul Reloaded, Thank and Grow Rich, and Living Big. Pam Grout has authored 20 books, screenplays, a television series, iPhone apps and a luxury travel blog george clooney slept here. She writes for People magazine, and has had articles published in Washington Post, Travel & Leisure, Outside, Family Circle, CNN Travel, New Age Journal, Scientific American Explorations, Huffington Post and more. She also loves pickleball.
Florence Williams
May 2022
When Florence Williams’ 25-year marriage ended suddenly, she was surprised at the ways the shock and pain of heartbreak manifested physically in her body. While she struggled with her personal devastation, her curiosity as a science journalist compelled her to investigate the experience of heartbreak more broadly. Her most recent book, Heartbreak: A Personal and Scientific Journey, is a fascinating combination of memoir and journalistic inquiry. In our conversation, Florence uncovers research findings such as people who have been through divorce have a 23% higher risk of early death and other diseases compared to non-divorcees, and that loneliness can show up in your blood work in measurable ways. She also discusses personality factors linked to resilience and her own journey to recover from heartbreak.
Florence is a journalist, author, and podcaster who has published two other books, BREASTS: A Natural and Unnatural History and The Nature Fix. A fellow at the Center for Humans and Nature and a visiting scholar at George Washington University, her work focuses on the environment, health and science. She is a contributing editor at Outside Magazine and a freelance writer for the New York Times, New York Times Magazine, National Geographic, The New York Review of Books, Slate, Mother Jones and numerous other publications.
Guy Finley Watch on YouTube
April 2022
Guy Finley is the Founder and Director of Life of Learning Foundation and the author of dozens of books, including The Secret of Letting Go, Relationship Magic: Waking Up Together and The Secret of Your Immortal Self: Key Lessons for Realizing the Divinity Within. In this Learning Well episode, Guy discusses his spiritual evolution and practical exercises like “Stop, drop, and endure” – to enhance a sense of awareness, presence, and centeredness. Guy believes that there is no SELF without relationships (with others, nature, and experiences) and that they are the single greatest resource for understanding, fulfillment and growth. He also shares his philosophy and methods of letting go. Born into a successful show business family, Guy followed suit, composing award-winning music for popular recording artists such as Diana Ross, Debbie Boone, The Jackson 5, Billy Preston, and The Four Seasons and writing the scores for several motion pictures and TV shows. Guy’s spiritual inquiry and travel led him to retire from show business to concentrate on self-study and sharing the wisdom of many spiritual and philosophical traditions.
Eben Alexander, M.D. Watch on YouTube
March 2022
Thousands of people have had near-death experiences (NDE), but scientists have argued that they are impossible. Dr. Eben Alexander was one of those scientists. But when he contracted bacterial meningitis and spent seven days in a coma, with an estimated 2% chance of survival, Dr. Alexander not only survived but made a miraculous full recovery. Join us as Dr. Alexander discusses his experience, how his beliefs have changed, and the role that consciousness may affect recovery. His references to the science of consciousness contend that science and spirituality are not necessarily in opposition.
Dr. Alexander was an academic neurosurgeon for over twenty-five years after graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University School of Medicine. Since his NDE, Dr. Alexander has been reconciling his rich spiritual experience with quantum physics, cosmology, and the philosophy of mind. In 2012 he authored Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife, and in 2014 he wrote The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion and Ordinary People Are Proving the Afterlife. His most recent book is Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness, co-authored with Sacred Acoustics co-founder Karen Newell. During the episode, Dr. Alexander also offers two free resources: a 20-minute meditation and a self-paced, online workshop on mindfulness.
Susan Masterson, Ph.D.
February 2022
For decades, Susan Masterson, licensed psychologist and Ph.D., experienced a combination of painful health symptoms that finally made sense when she was diagnosed in 2017 with Sjogren’s syndrome, "most common autoimmune disorder you've never heard of." For years, she believed the symptoms were "in her head" and tried to "lifestyle" her way into feeling better. However, Susan discovered that taking thoughtful care of her body through proper anti-inflammatory nutrition choices, adequate sleep, stress reduction, and a shift in mindset while working with her medical treatment plan produced better healing results. A self-described "research nerd," she shares what she has learned about healthful living with Sjogren’s syndrome. Susan is the author of many books about Sjogren’s and other autoimmune disorders including Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Titles include You Mean it Isn't in My Head?, Understanding Food and Inflammation, and Lifestyle Change that Lasts. Susan has a Master of Science in Educational Psychology, a Master of Public Health, and a Ph.D. in Health and Medical Psychology from the University of North Texas. She has over 25 years of combined training and experience with behavior modification, mental health treatment, lifestyle improvement, teaching, mentoring, and writing. Visit healthpsychforliving.com to learn more about Susan and her inspiring work.
Dr. Howard Weiner
January 2022
Join Dr. Howard Weiner as we explore current research and promising new treatments for neurological diseases including MS, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. Dr. Weiner, author of The Brain Under Siege: Solving the Mystery of Brain Disease, and How Scientists Are Following the Clues to a Cure, is the Robert L. Kroc Professor of Neurology at the Harvard Medical School, Director and Founder of the Partners Multiple Sclerosis Center, and Co-Director of the Center for Neurologic Diseases at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital. His work has supported preventative treatment research and development for multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and, most recently, Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Weiner discusses how he got started in medicine after studying philosophy and the impact of our gut microbiome on our neurology. The multi-talented Weiner is also a filmmaker of both documentary and fiction films. In June of 2008, he premiered a documentary film entitled, What Is Life? This movie explores the big questions in life that everyone faces and for which there are no clear answers.
Donald Antrim
December 2021
In April 2006, Donald Antrim went to the roof of his four-story apartment, climbed down the fire escape, and hung by his hands on the railing, dangling towards death. In this episode, he offers courageous candor about his own life experiences and his journey of attempted suicide survival. His story gives us a new perspective of suicide and survival. Antrim’s story allows us to travel into the darkness of suicide for a more empathetic understanding of the mindset of those who have suicidal thoughts. Antrim reframes suicide as a long-term illness in itself, as a struggle to stay alive instead of a choice to end life. In addition to his emotional memoir, Antrim has authored three acclaimed novels: Elect Mr. Robinson for a Better World, The Hundred Brothers, and The Verificationist. His work also includes regular contributions to The New Yorker and a memoir about his relationship with his mother, The Afterlife. Antrim is a graduate of Brown University and has taught in Columbia University’s writing program.
T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. Watch on YouTube
November 2021
T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., is one of the most distinguished nutrition scientists of the past century, authoring hundreds of peer-reviewed publications and bringing evidence-based nutrition to the public like never before. Through his dedication and research, he has improved the diets of millions and transformed many of our fundamental beliefs about nutrition, disease, and medicine. His work—including the New York Times bestselling book, The China Study—continues to empower people of all backgrounds to take charge of their health and share in the profound benefits of plant-based nutrition. Dr. Campbell leads the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization committed to increasing awareness of the extraordinary impact that food has on the health of our bodies, our communities, and our planet. Through science-based education, service, and advocacy, it seeks to inspire and connect all people, providing practical solutions to enable a healthier life, more equitable communities, and a sustainable world. Off the record, having interacted with Dr. Campbell for this recording, you will discover, as we did, that he is an incredibly modest, genuine, and most charming individual and has improved the world that we live in – and continues to do so.
Margee Kerr, Ph.D.
October 2021
Margee Kerr, Ph.D. and professor of sociology at the University of Pittsburgh, provides an intriguing look at the science of pain and fear from suffering to thrill seeking. In her work, she discusses the perspectives of pain and suffering of athletes, children, parents, artists, and scientific research that explore the boundaries of pain and how it works, how it is expressed, and how we communicate and think about it. She contends that pain does not have to mean suffering and that our attitude can shape how we experience it. Her mantra is "make pain a little less painful and fear a little less scary.” Dr. Kerr is the co-investigator on the country's first-of-its-kind study measuring fear in the real world, collecting data on how the brain and body respond in real-life threatening situations. She also studies why our brains enjoy fear, as featured in her article in Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear? featured in The Atlantic. Her work has also been featured in the Washington Post, Parade, Atlantic Monthly, and NPR's Science Friday, among other places. She is also the co-author of Ouch! Why Pain Hurts and Why It Doesn't Have To, and the author of SCREAM: Chilling Adventures in the Science of Fear, named as a must read by the Washington Post.
Danielle Ofri, MD, PhD
September 2021
Danielle Ofri, MD, PhD, is one of the foremost voices in the medical world today, shining an unflinching light on the realities of healthcare and speaking passionately about the doctor-patient relationship. In her many critically acclaimed books including When We Do Harm, What Doctors Feel, and What Patients Say, What Doctors Hear, she writes about medicine, the doctor-patient connection, and approaches to improving patient safety. Her writing appears regularly in the New York Times, as well as in the New Yorker, Slate Magazine, the Lancet, the New England Journal of Medicine, and other publications. Danielle is a founder and Editor-in-Chief of the Bellevue Literary Review, the first literary journal to arise from a medical setting. Dr. Ofri has given TED talks on Deconstructing Perfection and Fear: A Necessary Emotion, and has performed stories for the Moth. She is featured in the upcoming documentary: “Why Doctors Write.” You can learn more about Dr. Ofri at www.danielleofri.com.
Theresa Cheung
August 2021
Cheung has been researching and writing about spirituality and dreams for the past twenty-five years. She shares how dreams help us work through challenges and life barriers and provides an approachable process to do so. She has authored several international bestselling books including The Dream Dictionary A to Z, a regular number 1 in its Amazon category. She works closely with scientists such as Dr. Julia Mossbridge, studying consciousness and precognition – the clairvoyance of an event or state not yet experienced. Ms. Cheung's podcast White Shores can be found at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Overcast. In her book 21 Rituals to Change your Life, Theresa shares life-altering daily rituals that create significant life movement and change. Theresa has a Master's degree from Kings College Cambridge University in Theology and English. She opens minds to infinite possibilities and hopes to bring comfort, light, and hope to all through stories.
Dr. Vivian Brown
July 2021
Dr. Vivien Brown, MDCM, CCFP, FCFP, NCMP, is a family physician with a busy practice in Toronto. She is a pioneer and tireless advocate on a national and international scale about the need to raise awareness about women's health issues and preventative healthcare, and healthy aging. She has lectured around the world sharing her passion for healthy aging, and is Vice-President of medical affairs at Medisys Health Group, named Physician of the Year (Toronto region-2012) by the Ontario College of Family Physicians. Dr. Brown is the past president of the Federation of Medical Women of Canada. She is also a member of numerous advisory bodies for both the provincial and federal government, helping make decisions regarding the healthcare of Canadians.
Author of The NEW Woman's Guide to Healthy Aging, 8 Proven Ways to Keep You Vibrant, Happy and Strong, Dr. Brown continues to reach millions of readers, empowering women to improve their lives through nutrition, exercise, sleep, brain health, and more.
Richard Leider - The Power of Purpose (5/11/21)
Join Elise Marquam Jahns and the amazing Richard Leider, an inspirational and transformative leader in health and wellbeing through purpose. Richard is a nationally recognized executive coach and author of nine books, including the bestsellers The Power of Purpose and Repacking Your Bags. Listen in to discover what purpose means, how to grow "whole" rather than "old" and some truly inspiring stories that may change your perspective of aging. Mr. Leider's new book is set to publish July 12th!
Anna McConville - Mind/Body Pain Management (4/13/21)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and special guest Anna McConville as they explore the interconnectivity of pain and the mind. Anna’s recent book “Mind-Body Connection for Pain Management” uncovers the different types of pain and our brains’ ability to reframe and retrain through integrative medicine approaches to decrease or eliminate pain and build a more pleasurable and resilient life. Anna is a delightful, engaging, and approachable personality and shares her insights with the hope that everyone can live a full, pain-free, and uplifting life. Learn more about Anna.
Gain with Pain - Dr. Greg Hammer
March 2, 2021
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Dr.Greg Hammer, MD for a delightful discussion around well-being, overcoming burnout, and mental health and resiliency approaches. Dr. Hammer is a pediatric intensive care physician, pediatric anesthesiologist, professor at Stanford University Medical Center, and #1 best-selling author. A member of the Stanford WellMD initiative and the Wellness Committee for the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Dr. Hammer is currently the Chair of the Physician Wellness Task Force for the California Society of Anesthesiologists. His book, GAIN Without Pain: The Happiness Handbook for Health Care Professionals focuses on the four pillars of gratitude, awareness, intention, and non-judgment to promote well-being. As Dr. Hammer has successfully been a guiding light to numerous physicians facing burnout in their respective fields, the GAIN method has been known to strengthen mental strength and resilience regardless of their profession. Visit Dr. Hammer at: https://greghammermd.com/
Oliver Broudy - Author of The Sensitives (2/9/21)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and award-winning author Oliver Broudy. Oliver Broudy is the author of The Sensitives, published in 2020 by Simon and Schuster. He has written for Men’s Health, The New York Times, Mother Jones, and many other publications. His work has taken him to China, Afghanistan, New Zealand, and elsewhere. He has written about mega-pop stars, mega-sports stars, kung-fu, anarchy, and lots of weird medical conditions. He is a finalist for the National Magazine Award and his Amazon Singles have twice been named best Single of the year. A long time ago, he worked with George Plimpton at The Paris Review. Visit his website at: oliverbroudy.com.
Dr. Jon Lieff - Neuropsychiatry & Cell Intelligence (1/12/21)
Join Elise Marquam Jahns and Dr. Jon Lieff, a neuropsychiatrist with a Doctorate in Medicine from Harvard Medical School. Known as an innovator in several medical fields, he pioneered the creation of integrated treatment units that focus on complex patients with combined medical, psychiatric, and neurological problems. Dr. Lieff has been researching the question of where mind can be found in nature, including the study of intelligence in a wide range of animals, and eventually individual cells, microbes, and viruses. Dr. Lieff's website, Searching for the Mind, provides weekly reviews of the latest research in neuroscience, molecular biology, microbiology, immunology, cancer, and related fields. Dr. Lieff's latest book, The Secret Language of Cells, synthesizes his twelve years of intensive analysis of the scientific literature in a manner that makes it clear and understandable for general science readers and scientific experts.
2020 Programs
Bijal Trivedi - Breath of Salt - Personalized Medicine (12/1/20)
Bijal Trivedi is an award-winning freelance journalist specializing in longform narrative features about biology, medicine, and health. She currently works as a science and technology editor for The Conversation. She has just completed her first book, Breath from Salt: A Deadly Genetic Disease, a New Era in Science, and the Patients and Families Who Changed Medicine Forever. Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she and Bijal explore personalized medicine and the evolution of genetic medicine in the fight against disease – from a deeply human perspective.
Cyndi Dale - Energy Medicine Extraordinaire (11/3/20)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Cyndi Dale for an joyful, energetic hour of intuition, insight, and brilliance. Cyndi Dale is one of the world's most respected thought leaders in energy work and spiritual development. She is an educator, intuitive coach, energy healer, and business advisor. As a natural intuitive, Cyndi helps individuals and groups make real and positive change. Through Normandale College in Minneapolis, MN, she opens up her offerings to the public through a seven-class accredited certificate program, "Energy Medicine: The Subtle Body Certificate." Cyndi has written and published close to 25 books and has taught worldwide – incorporating her life experiences and learnings in all that she does. Cyndi has two amazing sons who keep her joyful and busy and lives in Minneapolis, MN, with her couch potato lab and winters that last nine months of the year.
Isaac Lidsky - "Eyes Wide Open" author (10/6/20)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Isaac Lidsky for an amazing hour of inspiration. Isaac Lidsky may very well possess the most eclectic resume in business. He has been a child television star, a Supreme Court clerk (for Justices Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg), and the founder of several businesses. He graduated from Harvard at age 19 and Harvard Law School in 2004. Perhaps most striking, Lidsky is only 40, and he is blind. Born with Retinitis Pigmentosa, a rare degenerative disease of the retina, from age 12 to 25, he slowly lost his sight. Neither his youth nor his blindness has limited him. Lidsky's recently published book, "Eyes Wide Open," explains the powerful insight that inspired him to achieve his most ambitious dreams despite losing sight to a blinding disease. Today he is dedicated to helping others live and lead well-empowered, mindful, and accountable lives. Listen to his TED Talk (which gained over 1 million views within the first 20 days of release.)
Dr. Wendy Wood - The Science and Power of Habits (9/1/20)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Dr. Wendy Wood, a research psychologist who has devoted the last 30 years to understanding how habits work. She is Provost Professor of Psychology and Business at the University of Southern California, where she also served as Vice Dean of Social Sciences. A 2008 Radcliffe Institute Fellow, and 2018 Distinguished Chair of Behavioral Science at the Sorbonne/ INSEAD in Paris, Wendy has advised the World Bank, the Centers for Disease Control, and industries such as Proctor & Gamble and Lever Bros. Wendy completed her graduate degree in psychology at the University of Massachusetts. She went on to be the James B Duke Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University. Dr. Wood has published over 100 scientific articles and has been continually funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, and the Templeton Foundation.
Jen Shepherd - Clinical Aromatherapist - Psychological Health (8/4/20)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Jen Shepherd, MSW, LICSW, CCA, clinical aromatherapist and clinical social worker with a passion for helping people integrate aromatherapy into their life to improve overall health and well-being. As a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker, her work focuses primarily on the psychological and emotional effects of essential oils. As an educator and consultant, Jen provides information to individuals and professionals that to gain the foundational skills necessary to use essential oils safely and effectively. Jen currently serves on the Board of the Directors for the Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA). She is also recognized as a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist with the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA). Since 2013, she has served as the Communications Committee chair for the Minnesota Association of Home Care Social Workers. Jen holds a specialty certification in Wellness Coaching through the National Exercise Trainers Association (NETA), and American Sign Language is her second language.
Dr. Catherine Kurosu - Integrative and Eastern Medicine (7/7/20)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Dr. Catherine Kurosu, Md, L.Ac., medical doctor and holistic health practitioner. Born, raised, and trained in Canada, Dr. Kurosu graduated from the University of Toronto School of Medicine in 1990 and completed her internship and residency at the same institution and qualified as a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1995. Having studied and worked in Canada, the United States, Mexico, and Chile, Dr. Kurosu learned there were many ways to approach a problem and the patient usually understands their illness best. By combining the patient's insight with medical guidance, effective treatment plans could be developed. Dr. Kurosu is a Diplomate of the American Board of Holistic Medicine/American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine and a certified Medical Acupuncturist through the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, under the auspices of Dr. Joseph Helms, considered the "Father of Medical Acupuncture" in the United States. Since then Dr. Kurosu has completed a Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine from the Institute of Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Honolulu.
Harriet Cabelly - Living Well Despite Adversity (6/2/20)
Death of a loved one, divorce, illness, disability and any critical life-changing circumstance can become a springboard for growth and change, and a newly created rich and meaningful living. Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and guest Harriet Cabelly - a licensed clinical social worker and positive psychology coach as they share how grief and loss can also provide development, healing and growth. Ms. Cabelly spends her time counseling clients as they cope and grow through their grief and loss, challenges and adversities, helping them rebuild their lives with renewed purpose and joy. She is one of the coaching experts on 970AM radio, The Answer - Conversations with Joan; has appeared on ABC and Fox news as a parenting coach; facilitates empowering women’s groups; and has recently published her first book, Living Well Despite Adversity: Inspiration for Finding Renewed Meaning and Joy in Your Life.
Dr. Alan Gaby - Nutritional Medicine - Expert and Author (5/5/20)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Dr. Alan Gaby - nutritional medicine expert. Dr. Gaby received his undergraduate degree from Yale University, his M.S. in biochemistry from Emory University, and his M.D. from the University of Maryland. He was in private practice for 19 years, specializing in nutritional medicine. He is past-president of the American Holistic Medical Association, author of Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis (Prima, 1994), The Doctor’s Guide to Vitamin B6 (Rodale Press, 1984), and the co-author of The Patient’s Book of Natural Healing (Prima, 1999). Dr. Gaby has written numerous scientific papers in the field of nutritional medicine, was a contributing medical editor for the Townsend Letter for Doctors since 1985 and contributing editor for Alternative Medicine Review from 1996 to 2010. Over the past 36 years, Dr. Gaby has developed a computerized database of more than 28,000 individually chosen medical journal articles related to the field of natural medicine. He was professor of nutrition and a member of the clinical faculty at Bastyr University in Kenmore, WA, from 1995 to 2002. In 2010, Dr. Gaby completed a 30-year project: the textbook Nutritional Medicine.
John Leland - Happiness Is A Choice You Make (4/7/20)
In 2015, when the award-winning journalist John Leland set out on behalf of The New York Times to meet members of America’s fastest-growing age group, he anticipated learning of challenges, of loneliness, and of the deterioration of body, mind, and quality of life. But the elders he met took him in an entirely different direction. Despite disparate backgrounds and circumstances, they each lived with a surprising lightness and contentment. The reality Leland encountered upended contemporary notions of aging, revealing the late stages of life as unexpectedly rich and the elderly as incomparably wise.
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and John Leland as they uncover what defines happiness for this aging group. "Happiness Is a Choice You Make" is an enduring collection of lessons that emphasizes, above all, the extraordinary influence we wield over the quality of our lives. With humility, heart, and wit, Leland has crafted a sophisticated and necessary reflection on how to “live better”—informed by those who have mastered the art.
Dr. Howard Friedman - The Longevity Project - Health Psychology (3/4/20)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and guest Dr. Howard Friedman - author of "The Longevity Project" which was based off of the most extensive longevity study ever conducted. This project demonstrates to us what really impacts our health and lifespan - such as friends, family, personality patterns, and work. The results of the research provide compelling evidence that some of our commonly held beliefs about what contributes to living a longer life are false and often offer surprising conclusions. Dr. Friedman is Distinguished Professor at the University of California in Riverside and served as Editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedia of Mental Health. Dr. Friedman is the recipient of two major career awards: The Outstanding Contributions to Health Psychology Award from the American Psychological Association; and James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award from the Association for Psychological Science (APS).
Dr. Douglas Fields, neuroscientist, researcher and author of "Electric Brain" (2/4/20)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and guest Dr. Douglas Fields (Ph.D) - a neuroscientist and international authority on brain development. Dr. Fields has authored numerous books and magazine articles, serves as scientific advisor for prominent publications and has been featured in newspapers, magazines, radio, and television, including the National Geographic, ABC News Nightline, NPR Morning Edition, and public television. In this return episode, Dr. Fields will help us understand what brainwaves can tell us about a person's life, thoughts, and future health - in light of his soon-to-be released book "Electic Brain" and his current publication - "The Other Brain and Why We Snap" - a piece about the neuroscience of sudden anger, aggression, and threat detection.
Mary Pipher, author (1/7/20)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and guest Mary Pipher - NY Times number one bestselling author of "Reviving Ophelia" and author of her most recent book, "Women Rowing North: Navigating Life’s Currents and Flourishing As We Age". Mary graduated in Cultural Anthropology from the University of California at Berkeley and received her Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska in Clinical Psychology thereafter. She was a Rockefeller Scholar in Residence at Bellagio and has received two American Psychological Association Presidential Citations. Mary was born in the Ozarks and grew up in rural Nebraska. As a girl she liked reading, writing, swimming, being outdoors and talking to her friends and family. She still enjoys these activities to this day. Pipher is the author of 10 books and is a community organizer and activist for many causes - living in Nebraska with her husband Jim.
2019 Programs
Matt Richtel on the Immune System (12/3/19)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and guest Matt Richtel - staff at the New York Times for 19 years. Matt initially wrote about all things technology, and different business issues, climate change and American sociology. He wrote a series about distracted driving that led to the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting in 2010 and other writings about the science of heavy computer use; computer use in schools; rise of obesity around the globe; and, in 2019, a new series on the rise of drug-resistant infections. On the fiction side, Matt wrote "Hooked" in 2009 through his latest, Dead on Arrival. Previously, he created and wrote the daily comic strip “Rudy Park,” illustrated and now written by Darrin Bell, a world-class cartoonist. Matt attended the University of California at Berkeley, and graduate school for journalism at Columbia University. He lives in San Francisco with his wife, Meredith, his two kids, a dog and a cat. Join us as we meet Matt and discuss his recent book "Elegant Defense: The Extraordinary New Science About the Immune System."
Dr. Seth Peterson on Physical Therapy (11/5/19)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and guest Dr. Seth Peterson - founder of The Motive, an outpatient 1-on-1 physical therapy practice in Tucson, Arizona. Dr. Peterson is an author published on topics relating to differential diagnosis, clinical reasoning, and spine management in journals such as the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy and the Journal of Manual and Manipulative Physical Therapy, among others. He serves as a reviewer for numerous journals, including the journal Spine. Dr. Peterson is also a leader in local and national organizations aiming to improve physical therapy care. Originally from Minnesota, Dr. Peterson has called Arizona home since 2010. https://themotiveaz.com/
Dr. Sara Barrett Naturopathic Medicine (10/1/19)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and guest Dr. Sara Barrett - Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, President of MN Association of Naturopathic Physicians, member of American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, MN Holistic Medicine Group, and the Institute for Functional Medicine. Naturopathic Medicine blends centuries-old, natural therapies with current advances in the study of human systems, covering all aspects of family health from prenatal to geriatric care. It concentrates on whole-patient wellness and is tailored to the patient and emphasizes prevention and self-care. It also searches for the underlying cause of the patient's condition rather than focusing solely on treating surface symptoms. Naturopathic Doctors (NDs)cooperate with all other branches of medicine referring patients to other practitioners for diagnosis or treatment when appropriate and are primary care physicians clinically trained in natural therapeutics. Dr. Barrett practices in Minneapolis, MN at Wellness Minneapolis www.wellnessminneapolis.com.
Becky Kueker - Retirement Savvy (9/3/19)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and guest Becky Kueker - a Tucson, AZ-based, nationally known author and speaker. After putting together a 25 year financial plan for retirement, and talking with hundreds of men and women around the U.S., Becky Kueker knew there were some nagging questions many of us had about how to prepare for retirement. How do I know I am ready for retirement? What does it actually mean to close the door on your career? In her first book, Hiding in My Pajamas, Becky provides a thought-provoking, but non-traditional, fun approach to planning for retirement. Her book is a brutally candid look at a 25-year plan to retirement from a woman’s perspective. Becky has captured inspiring and poignant stories from women and men who have proven that aging does not have to define you and new beginnings are possible. Their stories highlight the determination it takes to live your best life and what the passage of time means to how capable we are of embracing change.
Neuroscience with Douglas Fields - PhD (8/6/19)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and guest Dr. Douglas Fields (Ph.D) - a neuroscientist and international authority on brain development. Dr. Fields has authored numerous books and magazine articles, serves as scientific advisor for prominent publications and has been featured in newspapers, magazines, radio, and television, including the National Geographic, ABC News Nightline, NPR Morning Edition, and public television. He has written two science books for the general audience: The Other Brain and Why We Snap - a piece about the neuroscience of sudden anger, aggression, and threat detection.
Dr. Bill Manahan on Integrative Healing (7/2/19)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and guest Dr. Bill Manahan
Sleep Health with Dr. Christopher Winter (6/4/19)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and guest Dr. Christopher Winter. Dr. Winter has practiced sleep medicine and neurology in Charlottesville, Virginia since 2004, but has been involved with sleep medicine and sleep research since 1993. As past Medical Director of the Martha Jefferson Hospital Sleep Medicine Center, Dr. Winter graduated from the University of Virginia and received his medical degree from Emory University. Dr. Winter is board certified in sleep medicine by both the American Board of Sleep Medicine and by the American Board of Internal Medicine. Owner of the Charlottesville Neurology and Sleep Medicine clinic, Dr. Winter’s currently researches the effect of sleep on athletic performance, having worked closely with MLB, NBA and WMBA, and US Women's soccer teams. He regularily contributes to the Fox News Channel, Women's Health, Runner's World and Huffington Post publications and news shows as a sleep and neurology expert. He is thrilled about the release of his debut book, The Sleep Solution, Why Your Sleep Is Broken and How To Fix It.
The Human Potential through Play with Dr Stuart Brown (5/7/19)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahn and Dr. Stuart Brown. Trained in general and internal medicine, psychiatry and clinical research, Dr. Brown first discovered the importance of play by discerning its absence in a carefully studied group of homicidal young males. He later became founding Clinical Director and Chief of Psychiatry at Mercy Hospital and Medical Center and an Associate Professor at UCSD in San Diego, California. During his clinical career, he interviewed thousands of people to capture their play profiles. His cataloging of their profiles demonstrated the active presence of play in the accomplishments of the very successful and also identified negative consequences that inevitably accumulate in a play-deprived life. He believed that play could be the key to discovering the giftedness that is in everyone. With the support of the National Geographic Society and Jane Goodall, Dr. Brown could see play as a long evolved behavior important for well-being and survival of animals. He subsequently came to understand that humans are uniquely designed by nature to enjoy and participate in play throughout life.
Lynne Farrow: Iodine Crisis (4/2/19)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Lynne Farrow, author of The Iodine Crisis. Lynne is a whistle blower, journalist, researcher, former college professor and speaker. Her own experience with breast cancer led to the discovery that someone had stolen a medicine with proven benefits reaching back 15,000 years. This medicine has not only helped her, but has helped millions. She currently serves as the Director of Breast Cancer Choices, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to the scrutinizing and reporting of the evidence for breast cancer procedures and treatments. Lynne is also the editor of IodineResearch.com, where she has compiled materials for both beginning and advanced iodine investigators. Lynne will ansswer questions like: Why is there so much iodine deficiency? What are the applications of iodine therapy? Should I supplement with iodine? Which is the best way to take iodine? What troubleshooting should I expect?
Dr. Patrick Hanaway - Integrative Medicine (3/5/19)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Dr. Patrick Hanaway - a board-certified family physician, was the chief medical education officer for The Institute for Functional Medicine and medical director of the Center for Functional Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic. Currently he is the director of research at the Center for Functional Medicine where he is working on innovative research in health outcomes and total cost of care. His interest is in healthcare delivery models that learn from traditional medical systems and promote research to demonstrate improved value in patient outcomes per dollar. Dr. Hanaway served on the executive committee for the American Board of Integrative Medicine and as president of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine and co-founded Family to Family: Your Home for Whole Health Care with his wife. Dr. Hanaway promotes holism and systems medicine and teaches on the clinical application of nutritional biochemistry, with an emphasis on digestion, immunology, mitochondrial function, and wellness.
Microbiome with Dr. Raphael Kellman (2/5/19)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Dr. Raphael Kellman, author of The Microbiome Breakthrough and the founder of the Kellman Center for Integrative and Functional Medicine. He is a respected author and board-certified physician. A graduate of Albert Einstein School of Medicine, he has worked as a cancer researcher for Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital. Dr. Kellman has treated more than 40,000 patients, developing a global reputation for investigating the root causes of disease and pioneering the use of functional and microbiome medicine. He draws on the latest research to address patients’ biochemistry, metabolism, hormones, genetics, environment, emotions, and life circumstances to help them achieve optimal health and whole-patient care through healing the microbiome. https://kellmancenter.com/
Biomedical Innovations with CEO Sally Hed (1/1/19)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and CEO Sally Hed of Immunochemistry Technologies as they share groundbreaking, scientific and technological approaches that enable the timely assessment of chemotherapy effectiveness, and other biomedical research and applications. Sally Hed's first role with the company was as a scientist when it was in its start-up phase.Over the next 20 years, she helped develop products and build the company into the profitable business it is today, with double-digit growth, a solid customer base and an international distributor network serving labs all over the world. ICT’s customers include many established and published biomedical research scientists at pharmaceutical companies and leading universities like Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, and the University of Minnesota, as well as cancer research centers such as Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Moffitt Cancer Center, MD Anderson Cancer Center, and research institutions such as the NIH, Howard Hughes Medical Institute. https://immunochemistry.com/
2018 Programs
The Other Side of Impossible – Susannah Meadows (12/4/18)
Join our host Elise Marquam Jahns and guest Susannah Meadows. Susannah started her career as a reader at the Paris Review and as an editorial assistant at GQ magazine. Later she became a senior writer at Newsweek magazine. There she had a chance to write about everything—covering the aftermath of 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, Hillary Clinton, Serena Williams, bull-riding, the Christian Right and Columbine and eventually became a senior politics editor for Newsweek.com. After contributing book reviews to the New York Times Book Review for many years, she started writing the Newly Released column for the paper’s Arts section in 2010. In 2013, she wrote “The Boy With a Thorn in His Joints,” in the New York Times Magazine about her young son’s arthritis and her family’s efforts to help him get better using a variety of therapies, including changing his diet. The story became the basis of her book, The Other Side of Impossible. To learn more, visit: www.susannahmeadows.com
Slow Medicine with Dr. Michael Finkelstein (11/6/18)
Dr. Michael Finkelstein is a holistic doctor in New York, founder and executive director of The Slow Medicine Foundation, founder and medical director of Sun Raven: The Home of Slow Medicine, and the author of Slow Medicine: Hope and Healing for Chronic Illness.
He is a medical blogger for Dr. Oz, Sharecare, and The Huffington Post. And Dr. Finkelstein has been featured in top media outlets including the New York Times, CNN and Real Simple. He received both is B.A. and MD at the University of Pennsylvania, and studied at The University of Arizona College of Medicine where he completed an Associate Fellowship in Integrative Medicine.
Over the past three decades, Dr. Finkelstein has distinguished himself not only as a doctor in private practice, but also as the Medical Director of several major hospitals and health institutes, including two Integrative Medicine hospital departments/programs that he founded. Drawing from this diverse medical expertise, Dr. Finkelstein offers both a micro and macro point of view on today’s healthcare needs and challenges.
To learn more, visit slowmedicinedoctor.com
Guiding Qi with Jim Nance (10/2/18)
Master Jim Nance, medical Qigong healer and teacher, is the founder of an applied approach to Qigong called Guiding Qi, and author of Jim and the Ants.
For the first nineteen years of his life, Master Nance was functionally illiterate. At twenty, he read his first book--Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse--and found himself on the Dean’s List at Wabash Collage a year later. That same year, he was in a near fatal car accident where he miraculously suffered only a scratch after receiving a guiding intelligence beyond the written word that helped him survive the crash and throughout his entire life.
In the intervening years, Master Nance was a pro basketball player in Europe, traveled the world for 14 years seeking out healing practitioners, and later earned an M.A. in Career and Academic Counseling. He has worked with inner city youth and as a counselor in the Minneapolis Public School System. After meeting Qigong Master Chun Yi Lin in 1995, Master Nance has dedicated the past 20 years working professionally as a medical Qigong healer and teacher, and today he continues to help bring healing to people all around the world through Guiding Qi.
To learn more, visit GuidingQi.com.
Cells Are the New Cure with Dr. Robin Smith (9/4/18)
Dr. Robin L. Smith, a global thought leader in the regenerative medicine industry, received her M.S. from Yale and an M.B.S. from the Wharton School of Business. During her tenure as CEO of the NeoStem family of companies--which she led from 2006 to 2015--she pioneered the company’s innovative business model, combining proprietary cell therapy development with a successful contract development and manufacturing organization.
In June 2016, she was awarded the Women of Power and Influence Award from the National Organization of Women and is the 2014 winner of the Brava Award that recognizes top women business leaders in the Greater New York area. A noteable entrepreneur, philanthropist, and co-author of the book Cells Are the New Cure, Dr. Smith's work uniquely positions her to lead the global healthcare industry into the cellular future where the cells of our bodies will stand as the foundation for a wide array of cures.
To learn more, visit www.robinlsmith.com.
Stop the Thyroid Madness with Janie Bowthorpe (8/7/18)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she chats with Janie Bowthorpe, a Thyroid Patient Activist, author of the book Stop the Thyroid Madness, and owner of “Stop the Thyroid Madness” blog.
When Janie Bowthorpe was 27 years old, she had 8 illnesses in nine months culminating with pneumonia. The same chronic illness scenario occurred 2 years later after the birth of her third child. By 31, she was diagnosed with borderline hypothyroid and put on Synthroid, but her pain and suffering continued for many more years. By 2002, she finally began the process of applying for Social Security Disability. It was during this time Janie realized the problem was most likely her thyroid. When she switched to natural desiccated thyroid, her life changed. She rapidly regained her energy and stamina and saw all her symptoms disappear--which became the impetus for the Stop the Thyroid Madness blog and book.
Janie’s goal is to be a catalyst for a complete change in thyroid treatment and management by dedicating her work to serve millions of thyroid patients all over the world.
To learn more, visit stopthethyroidmadness.com
Experience Happiness, Reduce Burnout (7/3/18)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she chats with Nancy O’Brien and Linda Saggau, founders of Experience Happiness and creators of The Happiness Practice (THP). THP is proven to measurably reduce stress and burnout, increase happiness, and build engaged high-performance cultures of wellbeing that are strategically empowered to attract, retain, and optimize talent.
For years, Nancy and Linda worked as business strategists and observed that unhealthy stress and burnout impaired people’s happiness, relationships, ability to change, or take on One. More. Thing. The negative impact extended to teams and organizations—resulting in low morale, engagement, productivity, and performance. Nancy and Linda set out to solve the problem and built Experience Happiness—a company dedicated to helping people and organizations thrive by cultivating the competitive advantage of happiness using evidence-based practices to reduce the emotional, behavioral and physical impact of stress and burnout, while dramatically increasing wellbeing and performance.
To learn more, visit ExperienceHappiness.biz.
Berni Xiong of Normandale Integrative Health Education Center (6/5/18)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she chats with Berni Xiong, the tech producer of Learning Well Radio and new director of Normandale's Integrative Health Education Center in Bloomington, Minnesota. In this impromptu conversation, Elise and Berni discuss a variety of topics including Reiki Energy Healing, The Happiness Practice, and the journey that led Berni from a stressful corporate job to becoming a creative entrepreneur and eventually landing her role at Normandale in 2017.
Dr. Donald Abrams on Integrative Cancer Care (5/1/18)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she chats with Dr. Donald Abrams, an Integrative Oncologist at the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine. Dr. Abrams, who has been in the forefront of HIV/AIDS research and treatment, stepped down from the HIV Clinic at San Francisco General Hospital in August 2006 to devote more time to integrative medicine and oncology. His interest in botanical therapies led him to pursue a two-year Fellowship in the Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, which he completed in December 2004. His particular passion in the field involves nutrition and cancer. Since completing his Fellowship, Dr. Abrams has been providing integrative medicine consultation to people living with and beyond cancer at the Osher Center.
To learn more, visit Osher Center for Integrative Medicine.
Dr. Gail Saltz: Defeating the Stories We Tell Ourselves (4/3/18)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she chats with Dr. Gail Saltz, a psychiatrist, columnist, podcast host and television commentator, and one of the nation’s foremost experts on a variety of psychological and mental health issues---especially pertaining to women’s emotional well-being. Dr. Saltz has appeared on Good Morning, America, Dr. Oz, The View, Dateline, 20/20, Primetime, Today, CNN, CBS This Morning, MSNBC, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more. Dr. Saltz is also the author of the critically-acclaimed Becoming Real: Defeating the Stories We Tell Ourselves That Hold us Back, Anatomy of a Secret Life: The Psychology of Living a Lie, The Ripple Effect: How Better Sex Can Lead to a Better Life, and The Power of Different: The Link Between Disorder and Genius.
To learn more, visit DrGailSaltz.com.
Annie Brandt on Experiencing Thriving While Surviving (3/6/18)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she chats with Annie Brandt---an alternative medicine pioneer, 17-year cancer survivor, author of The Healing Platform: Build Your Own Cure!, and Founder and President Emerita at Best Answer for Cancer Foundation. In this conversation, Annie shares a part of her own story as a Stage 4 cancer survivor, reveals valuable pearls of wisdom gained along her own journey, and offers her expert opinions on how to survive and thrive.
To learn more, visit bestanswerforcancer.org.
Dr. Michael Pinkus - Pressure Point Therapy (2/6/18)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she chats with returning guest Dr. Michael Pinkus--a chiropractor, nutrition expert, and author widely known for alternative health care. With 30 years of practice, Dr. Pinkus has worked with top Hollywood celebrities, world-class musicians, pro athletes, and members of the U.S. Olympic Team as an official team doctor. Dr. Pinkus also hosted the PBS show "Feel Better with Pressure Point Therapy," which aired on PBS stations across the country. In this PBS special, Dr. Michael Pinkus empowered viewers to take pain relief into their own hands.
To learn more, visit drpinkus.com.
Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue - The Power of Vitamin K2 (1/2/18)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she chats with Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue, a Canadian expert in natural medicine, international speaker, and author of Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox.
Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue graduated with honors with a Bachelor of Science in Biology from McMaster University. She completed her professional training at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, class of 2002. Dr. Kate followed with a two-year residency during which she taught classes and supervised at various teaching clinics. As an expert in natural medicine, educator, and international speaker, Dr. Kate regularly appears on television and radio teaching about many health topics. She makes her home in Ancaster, Ontario with her husband and sons.
To learn more, visit DoctorKateND.com.
2017 Programs
Dr. Esther Sternberg - The Science of Healing (10/3/17)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she chats with Dr. Esther Sternberg, an internationally recognized pioneer in the science of the mind-body interaction in illness and healing, and the role of "place" in wellbeing.
Dr. Sternberg is currently Professor of Medicine and Founding Research Director for the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona at Tucson. She is the Founding Director of the UA Institute on Place and Wellbeing, and holds joint appointments at UA as Professor in Medicine and Psychology.
Dr. Sternberg is the best-selling author of Healing Spaces: The Science of Place, which was recognized by the President of the American Institute of Architects as an inspiration for launching the AIA’s Design and Health Initiative. She has been featured on numerous radio and TV shows, including PBS’s The New Medicine; Life Part II; NPR and Krista Tippett’s “Speaking of Faith” and “On Being.”
To learn more, visit esthersternberg.com.
Carol Krucoff - Harnessing the Power of Movement as Medicine (9/5/17)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she chats with Carol Krucoff, C-IAYT, E-RYT, yoga therapist, fitness expert and award-winning journalist. Carole specializes in therapeutic applications of yoga for people with health challenges and is co-director of the Integrative Yoga for Seniors teacher training at Duke Integrative Medicine and the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. Carol serves as the founding editor of the Health Section of The Washington Post and has been widely quoted in periodicals such as The Wall Street Journal and NPR’s Talk of the Nation and The People’s Pharmacy. Author of several books including “Yoga Sparks: 108 Easy Practices for Stress Relief in a Minute or Less” and is co-author, with Duke cardiologist Mitchell Krucoff, MD, of "Healing Moves: How to Cure, Relieve and Prevent Common Ailments with Exercise." Her latest book, “Relax into Yoga for Seniors: A Six-Week Program for Strength, Balance, Flexibility, and Pain Relief,” is co-authored with Kimberly Carson. www.healingmoves.com .
Dr. Michael Pinkus - Natural Healthcare Advocate (8/1/17)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she chats with Dr. Michael Pinkus, widely known as the National Spokesperson for Alternative Health Care. With 30 years of practice, he has worked with top Hollywood celebrities, world-class musicians, pro athletes, and members of the US Olympic Team as an official team doctor. He has also worked with thousands of individuals, building one of the largest chiropractic clinics in the country. Dr. Pinkus has authored several books on the subject of nutritional supplements for health and is proud to say that his vitamins have officially helped over 1 million individuals in the past 20 years.
Dr. Pinkus recently hosted a PBS special Feel Better with Pressure Point Therapy which aired on PBS stations across the country. In this PBS special Dr. Michael Pinkus (D.C.) empowers viewers to take pain relief into their own hands. Over the years, Dr. Pinkus has found a way to make Eastern medicine practices easy to understand and accessible to the layperson. Learn more at: www.drpinkus.com.
Valerie Lis - Emotional Freedom Techniques (7/4/17)
Join Learning Well's host Elise Marquam-Jahns as she talks with National presenter, instructor and trainer, Valerie Lis, EFT, MA, EFT Expert Practitioner 2 and EFT Universe Certified Trainer. Valerie conducts college courses, seminars and workshops on holistic health topics. In addition to teaching college students and business and health professionals, she is also a frequent radio and TV guest. Involved with numerous Integrative Health Therapies, Valerie provides amazing self-empowering tools to her clients and audiences, supporting positive change in just minutes. This episode of Learning Well will provide an opportunity to practice and experience EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques.
Dr. Joel Kahn - America's Holistic Heart Doc (6/6/17)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she interviews Dr. Joel Kahn - a plant based cardiologist whose personal mission is to prevent 1 million heart attacks over the next two years. The 1 Million Heart Attacks Prevented Goal is embraced by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services and the Surgeon General. Dr. Kahn’s brand of cardiology combines the best of Western and complimentary therapies for total healing and he is known as “America’s Holistic Heart Doc.” He graduated Summa cum Laude from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and has devoted the last 25 years to improving patient care, earning him nominations as a Top Doctor in Cardiology for many years straight. His passion for education and prevention is recognized by his patients and peer doctors alike. Both his first and second published books, "The Whole Heart Solution" and "Dead Execs Don’t Get Bonuses" are bestsellers.
Dr. Kenneth Pelletier - Integrative Health Leader (5/2/17)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she communes with Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier, PhD, MD. Dr. Pelletier is a Clinical Professor of Medicine, Dept. of Medicine; Dept.of Family and Community Medicine; and Dept.of Psychiatry at the University of California School of Medicine (UCSF) in San Francisco; and a Clinical Professor of Medicine in the Dept.of Medicine and Dept.Family and Community Medicine at the University of Arizona School of Medicine in Tuscon. He also serves as Chairman of the American Health Association (AHA) and is a Vice President with American Specialty Health (ASH).
Dr. Pelletier has published over 300 professional journal articles in behavioral medicine, disease management, worksite interventions, alternative/integrative medicine, and epigenetics and is the author of thirteen (13) major books including "The Best Alternative Medicine: What Works? What Does Not?"; and "Change Your Genes – Change Your Life: The Hope and Hype of Genetics." Currently, Dr. Pelletier is a medical and business consultant to the US Department of Health and Human Services, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the National Business Group on Health, the Federation of State Medical Boards.
13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do - Amy Morin (4/7/17)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she chats with Amy Morin, a licensed clinical social worker, psychotherapist, and lecturer at Northeastern University. She’s been dubbed the “self-help guru of the moment,” by The Guardian and Forbes refers to her as a “thought leadership star.” Her knowledge of mental strength and muscle stems far beyond her professional experience through personal loss and resilience building. Amy has written a best-selling book "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do" which has been translated into 25 languages. Her advice has been featured Parenting, Time, Fast Company, Good Housekeeping, Elle, Business Insider, Cosmopolitan, Success, Oprah.com, Health, Fox News, US News and World Report, and The Washington Post. Amy serves as Verywell’s Parenting Teens Expert and Child Discipline Expert and is a regular contributor to Forbes, Inc., and Psychology Today.
How to Benefit from Pressure Point Therapy - Dr. Michael Pinkus (3/7/17)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she chats with Dr. Michael Pinkus, widely known as the National Spokesperson for Alternative Health Care. With 30 years of practice, he has worked with top Hollywood celebrities, world-class musicians, pro athletes, and members of the US Olympic Team as an official team doctor. He has also worked with thousands of individuals, building one of the largest chiropractic clinics in the country. Dr. Pinkus has authored several books on the subject of nutritional supplements for health and is proud to say that his vitamins have officially helped over 1 million individuals in the past 20 years.
Dr. Pinkus recently hosted a PBS special Feel Better with Pressure Point Therapy which aired on PBS stations across the country. In this PBS special Dr. Michael Pinkus (D.C.) empowers viewers to take pain relief into their own hands. Over the years, Dr. Pinkus has found a way to make Eastern medicine practices easy to understand and accessible to the layperson. Learn more at: www.drpinkus.com.
14 Skills for Cooler, Calmer, and Happier - Dr. Adam Perlman, researcher (2/7/17)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she sits down for Part 2 of a March 2016 conversation with Dr. Adam Perlman, active Director of Duke University’s Integrative Medicine Program. Author of meQuilibrium: 14 Days to Calmer, Cooler and Happier, Dr. Perlman has done extensive work in complementary medicine including a research project exploring the use of CAM in patients with cancer. Most recently Dr. Perlman is leading an NIH’s (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine) program to continue his research on massage therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee. Dr. Perlman has published multiple articles and book chapters on various aspects of CAM and in 2006 authored the book, Own Your Own Health-The Best of Alternative and Conventional Medicine for Pain.
Chris Taylor, Purpose and Life Coach (1/3/17)
2016 Programs
Leslie Michelson - The Patients Playbook (12/6/16)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Leslie Michelson, founder, chairman and CEO of Private Health Management, a unique, patient-focused company that has helped thousands of people to obtain exceptional medical care. His new book, The Patient’s Playbook: How to Save Your Life and the Lives of Those You Love, distills his three decades of experience as a medical-case-management expert into actionable steps and practical tools that will empower listeners everywhere to achieve the best possible health outcomes at every stage of life. Leslie Michelson has been involved in almost all aspects of the health care system, starting at age 29. He has founded and led four entrepreneurial health care companies focused on improving quality of care and continues to provide life-saving information and revolutionary approaches to medical decision-making.
Dr. Michael Roizen - What is Your RealAge? (11/1/16)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Michael F. Roizen, MD, Cofounder and Chair of the RealAge, Inc. Dr. Roizen was the Dean of the School of Medicine at SUNY Upstate and followed as the CEO at Biotechnology Research Corporation. He then became Chair of Anesthesiology Institute at Cleveland Clinic and subsequently the Chief Wellness Officer at Cleveland Clinic - the first of it's kind. Author of RealAge: Are You as Young as You Can Be? which became a #1 New York Times bestseller, Dr. Roizen is a regular on such shows as The Oprah Winfrey Show, Today, 20/20, CBN, CNN, CBS, Good Morning America, The Montel Williams Show, and Larry King Live, Dr. Roizen inspires individuals to live, feel and look years younger or their "RealAge." He continues to practices anesthesiology and internal medicine, using the RealAge metric to motivate his patients. Dr. Roizen is 62 calendar years of age, but his RealAge is 42.8.
Dr. Linda Sapadin- Overcoming Self-Defeat (10/4/16)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Dr. Linda Sapadin, psychologist and success coach who specializes in helping people overcome self-defeating patterns of behavior. She is the author of 6 self-help books, including Master Your Fears: How to Triumph Over Your Worries and Get On With Your Life and How to Beat Procrastination in the Digital Age: 6 Change Programs for 6 Personality Styles.
How a Year Living Gratefully Can Transform Your Life - Janice Kaplan (9/6/16)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Janice Kaplan - writer, television producer and magazine editor. As the Editor-in-Chief of Parade, the most widely read publication in America, she attracted some of America’s best writers and biggest-name celebrities. Her own interviews with stars including Barbra Streisand, Clint Eastwood, Matt Damon, and Daniel Craig got international attention. Janice was deputy editor of TV Guide magazine and executive producer of the TV Guide Television Group, where she created and produced more than 30 television shows that aired primetime on ABC, FOX, VH1 and other networks. She began her career as an on-air sports reporter for CBS Radio and went on to be an award-winning producer at ABC-TV’s Good Morning America. Author and co-author of twelve books, her most recent book is The Gratitude Diaries.
Dr. Michael Greger on nutrition and Cyndi Dale on energy medicine (8/2/16)
Guest Dr. Karen Wyatt (7/5/16)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and guest Dr. Karen Wyatt, hospice physician, spiritual teacher, transformational leader and author. Dr. Karen Wyatt is a family physician who has spent her 25 year medical career working with patients in challenging settings, such as hospices, nursing homes and indigent clinics. She has founded a free medical clinic in a homeless shelter and led a non-profit clinic for the uninsured in its growth from a 4-hour per week all-volunteer operation to a full-time, full-service medical center. An advocate for integrated medical care, she practiced what she preached in her clinic for the uninsured combining both physical and behavioral health.
Dr. Wyatt has written the book What Really Matters: 7 Lessons for Living from the Stories of the Dying, which details her experiences as a hospice physician. In addition Dr. Wyatt wrote and self-published the book A Matter of Life and Death: Stories to Heal Loss & Grief and the ebooks Loss and Grief Survival Guide and Coping With Life-Threatening Illness.
Guest Michelle Gielan - The Happiness Advantage (6/7/16)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Michelle Gielan, national CBS News anchor turned positive psychology researcher and bestselling author of Broadcasting Happiness. She is the Founder of the Institute for Applied Positive Research and is partnered with Arianna Huffington to study how transformative stories fuel success and was the Executive Producer of “The Happiness Advantage” Special on PBS and is a featured professor in Oprah’s Happiness course. Michelle holds a Master of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, and her research and advice have received attention from The New York Times, Washington Post, FORBES, CNN, FOX, and Harvard Business Review.
Dr. Kathi Kemper - Leader in Integrative Pediatrics (5/3/16)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Dr. Kathi Kemper, Director of the Center for Integrative Health and Wellness at Ohio State University. Dr. Kemper founded three Centers for Integrative Medicine: Boston Children’s Hospital, Wake Forest University, and the Ohio State University and has published over 160 peer-reviewed research papers and 4 books for the public; The Holistic Pediatrician; Mental Health Naturally; Addressing ADD Naturally and her most recent publication Authentic Healing. She is Past President of the Academic Pediatric Association, and she founded the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Integrative Medicine. She serves as the Editor in Chief of the international journal, Complementary Therapies in Medicine. Dr. Kemper is recognized internationally as the founder of the field of integrative pediatrics.
Penney Peirce, Intuition and Sensitivity Development (4/5/16)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns and Penney Peirce - one of the early pioneers in the intuition development movement, having worked since 1977 with organizations like the San Francisco-based Center for Applied Intuition, The Institute for the Study of Conscious Evolution, and The Intuition Network. Penney specializes in intuition and sensitivity development, "skillful perception," personal energy and frequency training, dreamwork, and future trends. Penney has been on the faculty of The Kaiser Institute, working with their Intuition Fellowship program to train hospital CEO's, health care consultants, and philanthropists in the development of visionary skills.
Dr. Adam Perlman, Duke University Integrative Medicine (3/1/16)
Join host Elise Marquam Jahns as she sits down one-on-one with Dr. Adam Perlman, active Director of Duke University’s Integrative Medicine Program. Dr. Perlman has done extensive work in complementary medicine including a research project exploring the use of CAM in patients with cancer. Most recently Dr. Perlman is leading an NIH’s (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine) program to continue his research on massage therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee. Dr. Perlman has published multiple articles and book chapters on various aspects of CAM and in 2006 authored the book, Own Your Own Health-The Best of Alternative and Conventional Medicine for Pain.
Dr. Ronald Peters (2/2/16)
Host Elise Marquam Jahns will speak with groundbreaking health guest Dr. Ronald Peters.
Dr. Peters has devoted the past 40 years to the study of integrative, or functional, medicine. His approach to patient care is to restore the natural wisdom of the body and then assist patients in changing the lifestyle and mind-style factors that contribute to illness. He worked at the Pritikin Longevity Center and then developed the InnerHealth Program and is the author of the book Edgework, Exploring the Psychology of Disease.
Dr. Richard Earle - Stress Expert (1/5/16)
Host Elise Marquam Jahns will have a conversation with internationally recognized stress expert Dr. Richard Earle. Dr. Earle is co-author of Your Vitality Quotient and Managing Director of the Canadian Institute on Stress.
In addition to his roles as Managing Director of the Canadian Institute of Stress / Hans Selye Foundation and as a Principal in The Vital Corporation, Dr. Earle trains senior health and workplace professionals globally via the internet as Certified Stress & Wellness Consultants. He also maintains an executive coaching practice with the Medisys Health Group.
Pilar Gerasimo (12/1/15)
Host Elise Marquam Jahns will speak with revolutionary health guest Pilar Gerasimo.
Pilar Gerasimo is a nationally recognized healthy-living expert and the founding editor of Experience Life, a progressive health magazine reaching more than 3 million people. Pilar is the author of an award-winning chapbook, "Being Healthy Is a Revolutionary Act: A Manifesto for Thriving in a Mixed Up World," and the creative force behind "101 Revolutionary Ways to Be Healthy," a five-star-rated mobile app. Pilar recently returned to the Twin Cities area after a stint as Executive Editor of Healthy Living at the Huffington Post, and is now working on a book about The Art of Being Healthy in an Unhealthy World. She lives on an organic family farm in Wisconsin.
Dr. Richard Leider (11/3/15)
Host Elise Marquam Jahns will have a dialogue with Richard Leider. Richard is a nationally recognized executive coach and author of nine books, including the bestsellers The Power of Purpose and Repacking Your Bags which are considered classics in the personal development field.
Dr. Richard Earle (10/6/15)
Host Elise Marquan Jahns will have a conversation with internationally recognized stress expert Dr. Richard Earle. Dr. earle is co-author of Your Vitality Quotient and Managing Director of the Canadian Institute on Stress.
Dr. Kathleen DesMaisons (9/1/15)
Host Elise Marquam Jahns will converse with Dr. Kathleen DesMaisons, author of Potatoes, Not Prozac, The Sugar Addict's Total Recovery Program, Your Last Diet, and more. Dr. DesMaisons is a pioneer in the field of addictive nutrition, and was the first to give sugar sensitivity a name. She founded Radiant Recovery an international, online community which provides information, support, motivation and challenge for people changing their food, behavior and their lives.
Dr. Norm Shealy (8/4/15)
Elise Marquam Jahns will speak with Dr. Norm Shealy. Dr. Shealy is a world-renown specialist in pain and depression management, and holistic medicine. He has written over 30 books, including the classic 90-Days to Self Health, and most recently Living Bliss and The Illustrated Food Remedies Sourcebook.
Mary Hayes Grieco (7/7/15)
Learn about the art of forgiveness when host Elise Marquam Jahns interviews Mary Hayes Grieco. Ms. Grieco is the author of The New Kitchen Mystic and Unconditional Forgiveness, and the director of the Midwest Institute for Forgiveness training. She works in private practice in Minneapolis as a spiritual mentor and forgiveness healer.
Dr. James S. Gordon (6/2/15)
Elise Marquam Jahns will have a conversation about getting unstuck with Dr. James S. Gordon. Dr. Gordon is a Harvard educated psychiatrist and a world-renowned expert in using mind-body medicine to heal depression, anxiety and psychological trauma. His most recent book is Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven Stage Journey Out of Depression. His other books include: Comprehensive Cancer Care: Integrating Alternative, Complimentary and Conventional Therapies and Manifesto for a New Medicine.
Dr. Amit Sood (5/5/15)
Elise Marquam Jahns will discuss resiliency, descreasing stress and anxiety and increasing well-being with Dr. Amit Sood. Dr. Sood is the Director of Research in the Complementary and Integrative Medicine program at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine.He has developed an innovative approach to mind-body medicine by incorporating concepts within neuroscience, psychology and spirituality.
Dr. Henry Emmons (4/7/15)
Elise Marquam Jahns will discuss resiliency, descreasing stress and anxiety and increasing well-being with Dr. Amit Sood. Dr. Sood is the Director of Research in the Complementary and Integrative Medicine program at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine.He has developed an innovative approach to mind-body medicine by incorporating concepts within neuroscience, psychology and spirituality.
Dr. Mary Jo Kreitzer (3/4/15)
Host Elise Marquam Jahns will have a conversation with Dr. Mary Jo Kreitzer. Dr. Krietzer is the founder and director of the Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota. She is a professor of nursing, and co-leads the Doctorate in Nursing speciality in integrative health and healing.
Dr. Kreitzer will discuss the history and vision for the future of integrative health in health care.
Dr. Courtney Baechler (2/4/15)
Host Elise Marquam Jahns will interview Dr. Courtney Baechler Vice President of the Penny George Institute for Health and Healing and the chair of the prevention and wellness clinical service line at Allina Health. She has served as a consultant to the Statewide Health Improvement Plan and chair of the clinical work group for Minneapolis. She is practicing integrative, preventive cardiologist and the executive sponsor of population health.
Dr. Baechler will talk about lifestyle health, in particular relating to heart health.
Dr. Yvonne Gustafson (1/7/15)
Dr. Yvonne Gustafson is a parent educator, certified family facilitator and consultant for businesses, organizations and the media. Her focus is on parental well-being, child development, guidance strategies and family dynamics. She is the co-author of the book Tools for the Toddler Years. With host Elise Marquam Jahns, "Dr. Y" will talk about strategies for parenting based on child-development, matching the tools to the age and stage.
Master Chunyi Lin, the founder of Spring Forest Qigong (12/2/14)
Lynn Baskfield, Certified Coach and Equine Quided Educator (11/4/14)
Linda Cullen, Executive Director of Fifty Lanterns (10/7/14)
Pathways Health Crisis Resource Center Executive Director Tim Thorpe (9/2/14)
Dr. Jeffery A. Martin - Non-Symbolic States (8/5/14)
Learning through Appreciating Failure (7/1/14)
Brain Friendly Workplaces (6/3/14)
How to Feel Good & Make a Difference in the World (5/6/14)
"Drum it Up with HealthRhythms®" and "Experience the Labyrinth" (4/1/14)
Why Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act - and how to pull it off! (3/4/14)
Cravings, Addictions and the Brain (2/4/14)
Janice Marturano on Mindful Leadership (1/7/14)
Meditation expert Sharon Salzberg (12/3/13)
Dr. Christine Page - The Healing Power of the Sacred Woman (11/5/13)
Bob Epperly author of Growing up After Fifty. (10/1/13)
Ellie Tansey, L. Ac., MSTOM, practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine for women’s health (9/3/13)
Dr. Emma Seppala - health psychology, well-being, and resilience (8/6/13)
Victor Chan, Founding Director of the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education (7/2/13)
Greg Plotnikoff, MD, MTS, FACP, board-certified internist and pediatrician (6/4/13)
Penny George, President, George Family Foundation (5/7/13)
Lynda Richtsmeier, PhD, LP - holistic and integrative care in the mental health community (4/2/13)
Kristi Skordahl, author of And Then She Was Happy (3/5/13)
Dr. Cohen - Spiritual Technology (1/8/13)